Set your mind

Our minds can be the very thing that holds us back to so many things in life. God speaks on renewing our minds daily. He knows that without Him, we cannot make it. If we are not in Gods word daily, if we aren’t praying daily and if we aren’t constantly thinking about God our minds can easily deceive us. Reading Gods word every day is like taking a bath everyday. We shower because we were out all day and we come home from work and we need to take a bath to take all the filth of what we did that day off of us. That’s how Gods word is with our minds. When we read it daily, it begins to wash our minds. It begins to renew our minds. Our old way of thinking begins to diminish and we begin to think Godly thoughts. It helps wash away all the filth of our past and things we have done that maybe it wasn’t pleasing to our Father. It’s so important to be in His word daily. To meditate On Him daily. Here are 3 habits you can do on a daily basis to help you renew your mind.


  1. Pray

Prayer is so important. Begin to thank God for waking you up another day. Begin to pray for your family and friends and those closest to you. The word of God says to pray without ceasing. That means don’t stop praying! Our lives should always be a life of prayer. A life of always seeking God for everything.


  1. Read

Read your bible. I always tell people to start off with reading a Psalm and proverb a day. That helped me tremendously when I made the decision to walk with God. Psalms and Proverbs are books that are full of wisdom and love. You will find so many verses that you can use in your everyday life. And after that, I started with the Gospels. As you grow in your faith, you will see how you will get deeper into His word and He will reveal some pretty cool things to you. I also like to listen to the audio bible and preaching’s, there arealso podcasts apps we can download on our phones. There are so many options for us nowadays. Honestly, we really have no excuse not to get Gods word to us.


  1. Worship with song

I’m a worshipper. I love to worship God through song. This has helped me so much in my walk with God. I listen to worship music all day every day. I’ve seen how many times when I couldn’t pray or read, I would just listen to some worship music and that would lift me up and strengthen me to read and pray (if that makes sense). It’s God’s word being sung over you. It’s an amazing way to renew your mind on a daily basis.


These are just some things that help me with my walk with God and helps to renew your mind. Our mind is a battlefield. And if we don’t completely surrender it to God, our minds can become our enemy.

Romans 12:2- And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Philippians 4:8 – Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.

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