Jesus came to heal our broken hearts

I have heard so many quotes on brokenness and although some are true, there are many that are in error and have made us be ok with staying broken.

The desire of our heavenly father is not to leave us broken. When we come into this world, many of us come into some broken families which result in making us broken. 

Many of us have experienced abuse at the hands of those who were supposed to care for us. Or as we get older, many of us experience pain and abuse due to the bad decisions we have made, or they were made for us. Either way, it has left us broken and confused.

But when we come to Christ. We bring Him all that baggage. We lay it at the cross. And then he begins to work in our hearts. He comes in and begins to mend our brokenness and begins the process of making us whole. It is a total change of mindset and heart. 

We have to forgive. 

We have to love. 

We have to lay OURSELVES down so that we can gain that healing and restoration.  It’s not an easy process but so worth it. 

A few years back, God dealt with my heart concerning rejection. 

He revealed to me my brokenness in certain areas and how I viewed certain things in an unhealthy manner.  Once that was revealed to me, I began to ask God for healing and deliverance. I speak more about this on a video series I made on youtube.

Imagine if I would have stayed in that state of brokenness? I would have continued viewing everything through the lens of rejection! I did not want to live my life like that because I knew it would affect all of my relationships. We have to be willing and have an open heart for God to come in and deal with us. 

Changing our mindset isn’t easy especially when you have been a certain way for so long, but with God all things are possible. Those are times where we have to engulf ourselves in the word of God and allow the Word to transform and renew our minds daily! In Romans 12:2 it says And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

You see the only way we will know the will of God, is not through the lens of our brokenness but by the renewing of our minds! We have to move to the other side of brokenness which is walking in our healing!

Jesus does not leave us broken. He comes in to heals our broken heart and binds up our wounds! That is what he does, he will never leave us broken. Here’s a scripture to show why Jesus came to this earth!  Isaiah 61:1 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners. 

You see Gods purpose is not for us to stay broken! He doesn’t want us in that state.  It is not healthy for our minds, souls, and for those around us! 

When God reveals these things to us, its for a reason! It is so He can heal us not harm us. He wants us to allow Him to come on the inside of us and heal and mend our brokenness.

If someone has ever told you, its ok that you’re broken, God understands, He’s ok with you being broken, I want to tell you that’s a lie. If anything satan wants us to remain in that mindset because he knows that once we begin to change our minds and begin to walk in that healing, he is done. He doesn’t have a hold on us anymore.

You don’t have to believe that lie anymore. You have a choice! 

What do you choose today? 

To ask Jesus to come in begin the process of healing and mending or remain in that place of brokenness with a possibility of not fulfilling your purpose?

I pray you choose the path to healing and being made whole. Remember that Jesus came to heal your broken heart. He wants to pick up the shattered pieces and put it all together again and make it new. His desire is for you to be whole. For you to live a good life fulfilling His plans and purposes that He has already laid out for you.

Choose healing today.

Kathy Torres

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