A little piece of my world

I’ve been MIA for a bit.  This past week was crazy and this week isn’t looking any better. So you can picture a bit of how my week was. I had to do my normal office stuff.  It was spring break so I had all my 4 lovely children at home (can you hear the sarcasm, lol) Jkjk. I work from home, so trying to work and having kids running around playing hide and go seek can be a little stressful. I took them out on an outing, I was only able to take them to one place. We had fun.  It was a trampoline indoor park. I jumped with them and yes, every fiber in my body hurt! Lol On top of that I had practice at church for an Easter play and have been running around and doing stuff for that. And then on Friday, we had to drive to Miami for my niece’s wedding (that was a 4-hour drive due to traffic). She looked so beautiful. On Saturday after the wedding, we had to drive back to central Florida. We got home at 4 am and had to wake up at 7 am to go to church. When we were driving home after church, my husband and I were falling asleep. Exhaustion wasn’t even the word to describe our tiredness, we were just dead tired. My husband wakes up every day at 2:45 am to go to work. Yes, you read that right, he gets up super early. I wake up about 5am, sometimes earlier depending on what I have to do. (This is just scratching the surface by the way).  I was so tired this week, I wanted to ball up in a corner and just cry! But I didn’t have time for that! Lol. Many times, people ask me “how do you do it” They can’t understand why or how. All I can say is that God gives my husband and I the strength. Yes, there are weeks like last week that I was like “I’m done”! I don’t want to do this anymore. And that came from a place of exhaustion. In those moments, I have to remind myself that this type of weeks won’t last forever. That tough days aren’t permanent. In those moments, I cannot let my emotions get the best of me, because if I did, just imagine how many people would be affected? So yea, I have to tell myself to shut up sometimes. Lol. When we are exhausted and tired, we have to be so careful about what we say or do. Let’s just remind ourselves, this too shall pass. This will not last forever. And make sure you schedule in a sleep day to recover. You’ll be amazed how that helps the crankiness go away. Lol

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