Don’t let fear stop you from living

Many of us go through fear in our lives. Maybe it’s because of insecurities or we are just not sure of ourselves.

I have been learning in the last few months what fear can do to you. It will literally stop you from living your best life. Why do I say that? Maybe there is a passion you have and you haven’t been pursuing it because of fear! Fear has shouted in your ear telling you “you’re not good enough” You could never accomplish that” “what will people say or think”. I know this all too well because I am going through it right now. I have allowed the enemy to whisper these lies in my ear and I have listened. Instead of proclaiming the word of God on fear, I instead have been paying attention to these lies. But in the midst of this process, I have learned a few things about what fear does.

  1. It will stop you from doing Gods will: fear will cause you to be disobedient to Gods call on your life. We all have a purpose and there are times when God will tell us “ok now I want you to do this” and we say “nope I won’t do that” why? because we become fearful. These are times that we have to step out in faith and as Joyce Meyer always says “DO IT AFRAID”!
  2. Fear will paralyze you: there are many ways a person can be paralyzed. For some people, their legs don’t work or maybe its an arm or one side of someones face. But when something is paralyzed, it doesn’t move. Fear will stop you from moving!
  3. Fear will stop you from loving: Why do I say that? because when you love others, you become vulnerable to getting hurt right? But we should never stop loving. Love is such a strong force. Love can conquer anything. Jesus wasn’t afraid to love me when He knew there was a time that I didn’t love him back. Let us be Christ-like and love no matter what. You never know what heart you can save by simply just loving them.
  4. Fear will make you see things that aren’t there: have you ever woken up in the middle of the night to a scary shadow, and you think its person and when you turn the lights on, it was just the shadow of a tree? lol you see fear will lie to you and show you things that aren’t true so you can believe the lie instead of Gods word.

This is one of the enemy’s biggest tactics against the children of God. Why? because imagine what an impact we would have on our communities and those around us if we weren’t scared. If we would tell the enemy and fear to shut up and we do what God has really called us to do?

I want to share something that Joyce Meyer wrote a while back:

“Many times we think we should wait to do something until we are no longer afraid, but if we did that, we’d probably accomplish very little for God, for others, or even for ourselves. Abram had to step out in faith and obedience to God, despite his fear.  Giving in to fear alters God’s best plan for your life, so do what He wants you to do…even if you have to do it afraid! Like Abram, you’ll find that the rewards are great.”

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