
Intimacy with our spouses usually happens at night. When no one is looking. When your in private. It’s the time you feel the most vulnerable. The time you feel the most exposed. Sometimes maybe uncomfortable because you maybe feel certain things don’t look right. But your spouse isn’t afraid of those imperfections. He still wants intimacy.

Many times when we have intimacy with God. We can behave the same way.

God isn’t afraid of you. When he looks at you he doesn’t see those imperfections. He sees what He’s created. He sees you for who you are not what you have gone through. He sees your future not your past. He sees your potential not your failure.

Those moments of intimacy are important. Because it is there where God can expose the broken parts So He can begin to heal. He begins to fix our perceptions of ourselves.

The more intimate you are with God, the more confident and braver you become. You feel like you can take on the world. You begin to feel stronger.

Because the lover of your soul thinks the best of you.

Now you aren’t as afraid anymore to come into His presence. Now you aren’t so ashamed.

Now you are made free. Free to worship. Free to dance. Free to sing.

Beloved, is what God calls you. His beloved. Don’t be afraid of intimacy with God but embrace it.

Go somewhere private. Somewhere where you can be alone.

Embrace it because when you do, that’s when you find your true self.


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