God Loves Color

When God created His creation, we see that He added an array of colors. We see the beautiful trees in all of their splendor. We see all of the flowers and plants in all of their vibrant colors. We see the fishes in the sea and just how magnificent their colors are. We see every animal with multiple colors and we are amazed at it. God, when He created human-kind, He created us in different colors. Colors that represent just how magnificent and wonderful our God is. God is full of splendor and color. When we read about some of the people of the bible and their experience with seeing God, they see COLORS. Different colors. As a rainbow. That tells me that God loves color. He loves diversity. God loves that we are different and that we look different

It is sad to see all that is happening in our country now, and all because of the color of my brother’s and sisters’ skin, those who were created in the very image of God. It sickens me to see the injustice that has been going on now for over 400 years. My brothers and sisters being struck down like animals because of a color? What? This is beyond me and it is very hard to understand. I have not been able to process it all.

One thing that I can do is speak up and act on behalf of my brothers and sisters. We (the ones who don’t understand what it’s like to be singled out every single day of our lives because of our color) must speak out! We have to speak on our brother and sisters behalf. We have to defend them and cry out for justice. Enough is enough.

Proverbs 31:8 “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed”

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