Perfectly imperfect 

As working women, mommies and wives sometimes we put so much pressure on ourselves. The house has to be perfect. The kids have to look and behave perfectly. We have to make sure we make a good impression to our bosses, we have to make sure we look perfect or the long to do list has to be done in one day!!! That’s just tiring! Can we stop putting so much pressure on ourselves? It’s OK to not be so perfect every once in a while. Now I’m not saying not to do a good job. Or not to do things with excellence. Yes we should do things with excellence but that doesn’t mean it has to be perfect all the time. If we never mess up every once in a while, then we will never learn anything. The only way we learn is when we make a mistake. Stop trying to make things looks so perfect when they really aren’t. Just do what you can on a daily basis. Do the possible and let God help you with the impossible. I’ve learned that when I lean on my own perfection nothing good ever comes out but when I lean on Gods perfection, everything always falls where it needs to go.
Instead of trying so hard to be perfect, just be perfectly imperfect and let God be the perfect one.
Philippians 3:12
Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.

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