Is it hard for you to be still? 

I will be honest. It’s hard for me to be still especially when an injustice has been done. I’m so passionate about fighting for the “right” thing that I would just react quickly instead of taking it to the father in prayer. 

When God tells us to be still and know that I am God. He isn’t telling us to sit still and quietly. Although sometimes we have to do that as well. But what He is saying is to be still in your soul. Steady your soul. Settle down. To stop all the quarreling that is going on in your mind and soul. Stop fighting! 

I was reading a devotional in and I love this truth. “Instead of interpreting “be still” as a gentle suggestion, the meaning in this psalm lends itself more to: “cease striving” or “stop” and more specifically in this context “stop fighting,” which is directed toward the enemies of the people of God. The people of God should interpret the command for themselves to read more like: ‘snap out of it,’ ‘wake up,’ ‘stop fearing’—acknowledge who your God is—be in awe!”

But then he doesn’t stop there. He continues to say “and know that I am God!” You see God is God and we are not! Lol So God is saying that we have to just recognize that He is God and not only recognizes but also Knows! Know that He is God. We have to know the character of God. We have to have an understanding that His intentions towards us are good. We have to release our control to Him and just Know that He can handle our situations.

Know that He is the one who fights for us.

Know that He is our deliverer. 

Know that He is our healer. 

Know that justice is in His hands not ours. 

Know that He is in full control. 

Know that He is our strength 

Know that He is our refuge. 

When we come to a place to Know God and to recognize who He really is, we can be still. We can fully trust Him! We can stop fussing and fighting even with our own selves.  Be still and know that God is God. He’s got you.

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” Psalms 46:10 NLT

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