A woman who builds

Being a woman isn’t easy. There are so many hats we must wear throughout our days. We are women means: we are mothers and fathers many times. We are workers and breadwinners. We are nurses and we are also experts in making the boogie man go away. We are counselors and mentors. We are cooks and cleaners and decorators. We are also runners!  We run to the schools, the grocery stores, to work, to banks etc….. you get my point. We are constantly on the go making sure our families are ok. We sure do bring a lot to the table. Yet sometimes we think that what we do has no significance. Oh, but let me tell you; it does! You see in Proverbs 14:1 it says “The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.”  When we do all those things I just mentioned above, we are building. We are building something beautiful for our kids and our families. We are leaving a legacy. We are teaching and showing them that we can be strong and independent and also loving and caring. The influence of a woman on her family is phenomenal, for good and for bad. Sadly, some woman weaken their families through selfishness, ambition, and carelessness. The vigilant, wise and Godly woman holds her family together, makes sacrifices to ensure its stability, and entreats God’s blessing with her prayers. So do not think for one second that you aren’t influencing your family, because you are. We just have to choose what kind of influence we want to be. Choose to be a godly influence. A good example to our families and society. I believe that this world needs more godly women to stand up for what’s right and to speak up Gods word! Remember a wise woman strengthens her family many ways.

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