Take off the mask

Have you ever caught yourself not being yourself? I have. Its happened to me as a young person and even as an adult.…

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Psalm 23

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the…

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I love being a woman!

Today we celebrate women! Women of all shapes and sizes. Women from different cultures and ethnicities. Women of all types of color! We…

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Lets get loud!

Today as I woke up, I did my usual morning ritual and began to wake my kids up to get ready for school.…

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What is stewardship

What is stewardship? So many definitions but this one explained it pretty well. It is the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially:…

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Change is scary

Change is scary. At least for me, it is. I am in a season right now where there is change going on all…

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We get to

Too often we say “I have to do this” or “I have to do that” and we make it seem like everything we…

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Get Pruning

We have to thank God for the seasons of pruning. Without pruning, there is no growth. We need those seasons of pruning in…

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Set your mind

Our minds can be the very thing that holds us back to so many things in life. God speaks on renewing our minds…

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Never Forgotten

Something that a friend once told me stood out to me. She said that mother Theresa said “the closer you get to God,…

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