Enjoy the person you are

I’ve been reading this book called Authentically Uniquely You by Joyce Meyer and it has been blessing my socks off! I highly recommend this book if you are struggling with areas of comparison. Something I read today really stood out to me and it said this:

“Let me encourage you to enjoy the person you are without comparing yourself to anyone else and trying to do what they do or trying to be someone you were never meant to be.
You are valuable to God for who you are, not for what you do. Do what you do for Him, but don’t ever think your value to Him is based on it.
We all have strengths and weaknesses, and the devil likes to remind us of what we are not able to do. He tempts us to compare ourselves with others who have talents that we don’t have, but we should steadfastly resist that temptation.
No one of us can manufacture a talent that God did not give us.”

Isn’t that so good! Geesh. None of us can ever manufacture a talent that God never gave us. We need to make sure we stay on our lane and allow God to develop the talents and gifts that He has placed within us. I think the reason we tend to compare is that it doesn’t require too much work. When we are being developed, it requires work, time, and patience. It’s easy to copy-paste but it’s difficult to actually figure out THAT THING that makes us tick. That thing that inspires others and draws them near to their own potential. That takes a lot of work, a lot of mistakes and a lot of trial and error. But it’s so worth it because when you finally find that thing and you stay in your lane, that’s when you truly begin to blossom into the person God has always intended you to be!

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