Get Pruning

We have to thank God for the seasons of pruning. Without pruning, there is no growth. We need those seasons of pruning in our lives to step into better seasons! I remember when I lived on a farm and I began to grow my own veggies. One way to get the best fruit or harvest from the plants was to prune the leaves that weren’t bearing any kind of fruit. I grew all kinds of veggie plants and fruits but the one that truly ministered to me was the tomato plant. In the tomato plant there are these leaves that grow called “suckers”! They look just like he branches that carry the fruit. But once fully grown they do not have anything on them. Their purpose is to suck the nutrients from the other branches that are actually carrying the fruit. So, what I had to do was as this plant would grow, I had to prune it. I would look at the plant, and would be able to tell the branch with a flower was good to keep, the one without the flower had to go and I would clip it off immediately. We could apply this to our lives. Jesus said in John 15:2


“Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit.


It is important that we prune certain things in our lives. It is vital to our growth. Many times, we let things in that suck the life out of us! We must discern the difference. Jesus shows us that He prunes so that we can bear more fruit. How awesome is that! If you’re going through a season of pruning, rejoice! Because once the pruning is done, you will have better fruit and a lot more of it!


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