I love being a woman!

Today we celebrate women! Women of all shapes and sizes. Women from different cultures and ethnicities. Women of all types of color! We celebrate women because women are built in a way like no other. Do you know that woman was created as a solution to the first problem ever in humanity? We sure were! If we look in the book of Genesis, God said “it is not good for man to be alone” (problem) God continues to say “I will make him a helper suitable for him” (solution)
Wow we are a solution! Isn’t that a beautiful thing. Do you know that the word “helper” here in Genesis means “Ezer” in Hebrew which is in reference to God has being our helper. Helper is someone who comes to our aid in times of need.
Eve was someone who would provide valuable and vital strength to Adam. And ladies we have the same gift in us as well. We are helpers by nature. We see the word helper as something bad many times, but it isn’t. It truly is a representation of who God is in us. As women we have the strength to build our home or to destroy it. We have the potential to raise up our husbands to be all they can be or to completely destroy them to the point that they have no clue who they are. We often hear a term that says “behind a successful man, there is a powerful woman” That is so true my ladies. (note-this isn’t applied to women who are in abusive relationships, if you are, please get out and ask for help!)
We can be that helper to our husbands and children and also to those around us. There is so much that God has placed in a woman. I’ve seen society try to make women act like men and that should not be. We have a great potential in us that only WE WOMEN can do! Men cannot do it and that’s ok. God didn’t build men that way. And there certain things that ONLY MEN can do and that’s ok!
What we have is something special. Celebrate yourself today. Celebrate the beautiful special gift that God gave to only us women. Celebrate the fact that you can be a helper to so many people, the way the holy spirit is our helper.
Do you know that when Jesus came, women had a special place in his heart?
In times when women were considered inferior to men and treated as property, Christ counted them among His most valued disciples and friends.
Ladies, you are valued, you are beautiful, you are strong and oh so loved by our Savior. Never think you are less than because you are not. Never think that the sacrifices that you do on a daily basis don’t matter because it matters to everyone. You do not have to be anything less than who God created you to be.

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