Just do it

The other day I went on a field trip with my daughter.  It was at this camp where they do multiple activities.  One of the activities was called “high ropes”.  From the bottom, it looked pretty cool but once you get up there it’s pretty scary.  Now my daughter normally wouldn’t do these challenges.  She gets scared, backs down and doesn’t do it. I honestly thought the minute she got up there and saw how high it was, she’s going to come back down. But, to my surprise, she didn’t! She did the course. At one point she stopped, cried for a bit and figured out the only way she can get down is to go through! So she proceeded to finish it and came down through a zip line. Nothing here was easy and even to get down was scary!

Isn’t that how we are in life?  We go through life like.  We are scared to go up high and try something new. We become fearful.  One thing my daughter taught me was even if you’re scared, just do it. Even if in the middle of it, you stop and cry for a bit, Just continue on with it.

God will put certain desires and ideas in us, and we stop ourselves. We tell ourselves, that’s too scary, that’s too high, I don’t think I can climb that, how will I get down. We talk ourselves out of the very things that can help us get to the other side. Or maybe these ideas and desires can be the very thing to catapult us into something better!

When we try something new or something we are not really used to, it’s scary, it’s not easy. We freak out. But in spite of your fear, just do it. See how far you can go. You’ll be surprised how much you will be able to do.                                    Maybe you have been pondering on an idea, maybe a new invention, maybe you’ve been thinking about writing a book or buying that house. Maybe its changing jobs or careers or maybe its even trying a new adventure.

Whatever it is, even if you’re scared, just do it. You may surprise yourself and be very good at it.

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