Lets get loud!

Today as I woke up, I did my usual morning ritual and began to wake my kids up to get ready for school. My kids aren’t the quietest children. Especially the little one. He loves to make his presence known!
It gets extremely loud in my house so early in the morning. To the point where sometimes I just want to run away somewhere quiet and drink my coffee alone! I just became overwhelmed of all the noise! As I was driving them to school, we were listening to our radio station and the little one began to sing really loudly. He didn’t stop. And the moment I was going to tell him please be quiet!, I paused and just enjoyed the moment. I heard him sing “my God is not dead he is surely alive”! In his very loud squeaky voice but I paused and listened and enjoyed the moment. Yes it was loud! Yes I started the morning with so much loudness but I found a moment where I can enjoy and smile and Be grateful that I am able to have loud noisy children. That it is a blessing. Many women out there can only hope to one day hear their kids scream or fight. I stopped and said “thank you Lord for my babies. Though they sometimes can be a bit rowdy and loud, I know that many do not have that and wish to have it.” Perspective is everything. It’s not about how quickly you can hurry up and get over this stage, but it’s about enjoying the journey in each stage. Enjoy the little moments, even the loud ones!

In what stage are you living in? Now find something to enjoy while being in this stage of your life.

Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits

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