
I’m 41 years old and have lived through





Jumping from house to house




And yet I’m still living.

I say all this not so anyone can feel sorry for me but to show that it is possible to continue living!

Life is hard. And many times if not often, life will throw some serious twists and turns along with some bulldozers 😂 at you!

However, when you truly find yourself and your identity, you begin to understand and realize that ALL that you’ve gone through has been for a purpose and for such a time as this.

You can still live. Freedom is possible. Restoration is possible. Your story doesn’t have to end in defeat but it can end in victory!

Now that I have found my identity in Jesus, The true source of life,

my pain has turned into purpose.

My heartache has turned into love.

My rejection has turned into a redirection.

Don’t allow your past to define your future.

Allow God to continue writing your story.

Maybe you’re thinking but my story is too broken, however, I tell you that God is the master-builder of our hearts.

He’s a pro at taking shattered hearts and mending them into something beautiful so that you too can live!

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