Never Forgotten

Something that a friend once told me stood out to me. She said that mother Theresa said “the closer you get to God, the lonelier you are” I pondered on that all day and I think it’s because I understand. I get it. When you choose to walk a walk not many are willing to walk, the road becomes very narrow and lonely at times. I think about Jesus. When Jesus began his ministry, he had many people around him. Many willing to walk with him. Many willing to follow. Yet when it was time for him to carry that cross, he was alone. It was something he had to go through. A hard journey not many are willing to take. We all have journeys of our own. Destinies that God has designed for us. Many will not understand your journey. Many will mock it or become jealous of it. But it is your journey and only you can walk in it. There will be times where you feel alone. And that is because many people cannot go where God has destined you to go. That is only yours to take. That is your cross to bear. So just like Jesus had to pick up his cross and walk to his destiny, you must also pick yours up and walk to your destiny. And yes it will be lonely but so worth it at the end. I bet if Mother Theresa were able to speak now, I think she would say “here on earth the closer you get to God, the lonelier you are but I would not change anything for the glory that I am in now “I think she would say it was all worth it. God does not forget the sacrifices that we do here on earth. To make sacrifices here on earth for His glory is to store treasures in heaven. We should not care much about our successes here on earth but we should care about our eternal life in heaven. So yes we may feel lonely at times because many are not willing to go where we go but we know that we are not forgotten. That God is mindful and he is paying close attention to every little detail. He sees, He knows and He hears. And because we know that He is mindful, He will keep us in perfect peace. If today you are feeling a little lonely in your walk or misunderstood or rejected because of the road you’re on, remember that God has not forgotten you. He has not forgotten what you had to sacrifice while walking that road. He has not forgotten of all the relationships you had to let go of along the road. Always remember that He restores and renews as you continue to walk the narrow road and at the end, it will be worth it all.


I leave you with some of these truths:

“Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find. Matthew 7:14


“but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.” Matthew 6:20


“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You Because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

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