Teach them young

If you’re busy like I am, it’s a little hard to find time to truly sit down and have some God time with our kids. Taking them to church once to twice a week just isn’t enough. We need to make sure they’re getting fed spiritually at home too. The issue is is that both parents are working and we are just swamped with all this adult stuff. Something that works for me, is getting some God time with my kids before school. We have always prayed and we did the gospels through our audio bible and we would discuss what we just learned but we finished the gospels and didn’t hear any more audio bibles and life just happens. Waking up late rushing them to the car and just trying to make it to school on time. I knew I had to change it up a bit.

I got this cool little book at publix. Its called “a little God time for kids” Its a really cook devotional. It gives you a scripture, a devotional and prayer at the end. While I’m driving the kids to school, they take turns reading the devotional of the day. Once they’re done, we speak about what it means. This is a fun way to connect with them and also get some word in them. In Proverbs 22:6 it says  “Point your kids in the right direction— when they’re old they won’t be lost.” This is the message translation. I just love how it breaks it down to our language. But it says “point your kids in the right direction. Meaning we The Parents must make sure we are the ones instilling God in our children’s lives. We cannot expect for the church to do it or the pastors or leaders to do it. Yes, they can help and maybe be role models, but ultimately the responsibility falls on us. Especially when they are young. We can use the word of God to mold them into who God wants them to be, not who the world wants them to be. I attached the book here from amazon. It’s actually cheaper on amazon than it was at Publix! I have the Jesus Calling for adults and fell in love with it and I found one for kids too! But these two devotionals are a great way to get the word of God into our children. 

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