
Many times we are obsessed with our spouses, kids or even friendships. So much so we have made them to be our god. We think they can fulfill us.

Sometimes we say things like “I feel empty if so and so doesn’t love me or care for me”

That means you have trusted on that person to fulfill something only God can.

Only God can fill those voids in our lives.

The word teaches us that we are to PLACE our TRUST in God and not humans.

It even says cursed is the man who places his trust in another man. But Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, And whose hope is the Lord. Jeremiah 17:5-8

Many times without even knowing it we PLACE our trust in other people. That place should only be filled by God.

People will let you down. People are flawed and fickle. One day people will love you and the next they’ll hate you. That’s why God says we cannot place our trust in man!

Choose today to place your trust in God and God alone.

He will never let you down. He will always be there. He will never forsake you. He will always love you.

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