You Matter

I was texting with a friend last night and I felt prompted to remind her that her voice and what she has to say matters.

A lot of times we stay silent because we assume that someone else has already said what we wanted to say or they’ve already accomplished what we wanted and we say “it doesn’t really matter, what’s the point”

Can I tell you that’s the biggest lie. We all have a story to tell. Yes maybe some of our stories can be similar but our audience is different.

Someone in your sphere of influence needs to hear what YOU have to say. They will only receive it if it comes from your mouth and through your experience.

I remember when God began pushing me to write more and make videos. I thought the same thing. “There are others out there already doing this. There are others that are doing it way better than I ever can. God but why. I don’t understand. Why me. I don’t want to.”

Those are all the thoughts that flooded my mind and to this day I still struggle with. However when I receive a call or text from someone who listened to my videos and how much it’s blessed them or something they read on my website and how they needed to hear that. Etc. I now understood why it’s so important to speak up.

There’s a scripture that has helped me with this struggle:

“But how can people call on him for help if they’ve not yet believed? And how can they believe in one they’ve not yet heard of? And how can they hear the message of life if there is no one there to proclaim it? And how can the message be proclaimed if messengers have yet to be sent? That’s why the Scriptures say: How welcome is the arrival of those proclaiming the joyful news of peace and of good things to come!”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:14-15‬ ‭TPT‬‬

How will people know Jesus or the love of Jesus if we’re not proclaiming what He has done in our lives!!! My God. This scripture is one I’ve been holding on to. So when the enemy comes to lie and to shut me up, I remember this word right here.

There are many that are in our circle or sphere of influence that need to hear how we overcame. How we push through the toughest seasons of our lives.

So if you’re feeling less than or that someone else out there is saying it better. Remember that your voice matters and what you have to say is very important to those around you. We need you! The world needs you! Jesus needs you to be His mouthpiece, His feet and His hands.

So go and speak or write or make a video of the goodness of the Lord in your life!

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